Monday, January 4, 2010

In With the New

I do not remember ever wanting a year to end more than I wanted 2009 to end.  With the exception of a few very bright spots, 2009 was total shit.  The loss of Larry's job, a lot of time spent on the road, a rough relationship with a co-worker, the lack of attention to my beloved Arbonne, the possible loss of our home, and yada yada yada.  Bleh! 

The start of a new year and a new decade can only bring light to my life.  I started the year with a positive performance review at work, renewed energy to my Arbonne team, a glimmer of hope around our house situation, a strong family unit, amazing and supportive friends, and my faith in God. 

I think that things happen for a reason - we are on a life path where we have lessons to learn.  So, I am resolved to be open to all opportunities, be aware of learning moments, and accept the plan that is in front of me.  I don't think the challenges are over.  But I think I am ready for them.

Bring it 2010.  I am ready for the change - whatever that is.


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