Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Things You "Dew" for Love

I spent part of my vacation at the Dew Tour Skate Vert final.  I can honestly say it is the last place I would have thought I would be.  But, when I heard that the tour was going to be in Ocean City during our vacation, I knew I had to get tickets for Connor.

I learned about skating because of Connor's interest in the sport.  And I wasn't sure what to expect during the event.  But I have to say that I loved every minute of it.  We saw all of the big names in skating including - Bucky Lasek, Pierre-Luc Gagnon aka PRG, a 14-year old phenom called Mitchie Brusco, and Shaun White.

Shaun White and Bucky Lasek

We were treated to the best Heelflip Frontside Twists and Switch Frontside 540s and Heelflip Frontside Inverts, and MacKenzies (also know as a forward-to-fakie Indy 720).

Okay - I totally had to look up all of the trick names.  Whatever. By the end of the night I was recognizing a few of the tricks while they were being executed. Although don't ask me to tell you what Shaun White is doing in this photo...

Shaun White in mid-trick

The best part of the event was bonding with Connor over something he loves.  It was fun to have him explain the tricks and tell me about the skaters and which companies they are sponsored by.  He told me about who had the best Vans shoe line.  I learned a lot about something he loves.

And to top off the evening - Bucky Lasek - a native Maryland boy - won the Skate Vert Final on home turf. 

Bucky before he drops in for a run

I would totally 'dew' this event again.  (last pun, I promise)


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