Running is the only sport I ever really embraced. In running there is the wonderful opportunity to not only get your body in shape, but your mind as well. I love runners. The running community is welcoming, they don't care what you look like or if you are fast or slow. If you've got your shoes on, and you're out there logging the miles, then that is all that matters.
I have completed two marathons, a few 10 milers and a bunch of 5ks. I haven't run or raced in awhile because I have let myself get out of shape - weight, motivation, etc. But now that I have lost almost 20 pounds, I feel like I want to get my shoes on again and work at getting in shape. So, to give me a goal to work towards, I have registered for the Chicago Marathon. I love Chicago and their marathon is one that I have always wanted to run. So I have six and a half months to get ready for 26.2 miles. I have to say, I am excited to get started.
I have not been active in my blog in the past months. So, I think as part of my training plan, I will blog my training highs and lows here from now until the big day (with a smattering of other ramblings thrown in).
So, keep this creaky old body in your prayers as I start racking up the miles. Better yet, come to Chicago and cheer me on. Sunday, October 11, 2009.
Peace, love, and miles.
Good for you! I, personally, don't really understand the running thing - maybe it's that it's so hard on my joints (or my boobs) - or that I think someone would have to be chasing me with something dangerous to really motivate me! I do like the running gear they make, though, and I will be happy to live vicariously through you. :)
Wow, Tee. This is very cool. Recently I watched an archive of the woman from Maine who began running distance at 7 years old, and just ran ran ran like Forrest Gump. All over her town, her county, her state, the nation. She entered the olympic trials and came in 3rd, and then won the event. She was way out ahead of the Norwegian woman who was favored to win. I will NEVER forget the look of intense absorption on her face as she ran the last three miles. Through the streets, into the tunnel, and onto the track where thousands cheered her to the finish. I get it. It's not my sport, but I get it. For me, it's swimming. Diving from great heights. I so get it. Have a wonderful time with this renewed and exceptional desire to excel.
Thanks Gals! Your support will keep me running strong! Love you!
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