Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I am just home from a weekend in the OBX with my girlfriends from high school. What can I say about the weekend.  Here's a good place to start:

This past weekend I reconnected with 11 women with whom I have many shared memories.  But these memories were old, dusty, and a little dim.  Gradually, over the days we spent together, we blew the dust off of those memories, shined them up and experienced them all over again. Some were sad but most were terribly funny and even a little mortifying.  These were the experiences of girls - relived by  women. 

Although visiting the 1980's again was fun, what was more important was what we shared as we reconnected.

Sitting in a circle on the beach, around the dinner table, draped over the sofas in the living room, we set about the business of learning about the women we had grown into from the girls we once were.  We learned about strong marriages, the pain of divorce, the joys and frustrations of motherhood (we had 26 kids between us - and two furry kids), the loss of parents, balancing career and family, sharing dreams and challenges, and on and on. 

We also did an amazing job of creating new memories - jello shooters (are you ever too old for jello shooters??), walks on the beach, cooking together, shopping trips, running together, swapping advice, dancing, playing games, and goofing off.  Looking at the pictures from the weekend, my face hurts again from laughing so much.  For a short few days, we shed the roles that define our everyday lives and slipped into a carefree, silly existence.  GD-SOB - We were girls again!

There really is nothing quite like a strong, supportive network of women whose roots run deep.  I count these amazing women among my life's greatest blessings. 

I love my Rocker Chix!



Nettski said...

Tee- You captured the feelings I am sure all of us share about the weekend and about each other. I am in awe of these women and how we have grown. I am honored to call you my friends and am a better person because of the experiences we've shared! Love you!

PurpleGal said...

The weekend was a blessing to me. I now don't feel that my friendships have faded. They're only growing and getting stronger. All you girls are awesome and I couldn't have put it more eloquently as you did, Teresa. Lots of love,