Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Doc Says

So I went in for my once over with the chiropractor. Her words to me when I told her I wanted her help in staying healthy while I train for this marathon - "Bless Your Heart." If you are from the south or gre up with southern relatives, then you know that "Bless Your Heart" is code for a lot of things - one of them - she's sweet but boy is she nuts.

But, I adore my chiropractor and she has agreed to help me get going and stay going on ths training plan. Even though, one leg is a tad shorter than the other, I have arthritis in my lower back and my knees and ankles need special attention. Which I am sure makes people wonder, what the hell are you doing this for.

First and foremost for me. I love running and I do better when I have something I am training for. I started running seriously in college in 1989 to work through the grief of a relationship that had ended and to deal with the craziness of the "rebound" relationship. Running not only helped me get my head clear but I was in the best shape of my life - 6 miles a day will do that for you. Over the years I have drifted away from running for periods of time but I always end up lacing up the shoes again. It feels good to be back out there.

So, twice weekly visits to Dr. G. will help keep me tuned up and logging the miles. Right now I am sticking to three and four miles pre-training runs and cross training. The longer runs start in June. So far, I feel good.



1 comment:

Johnna said...

Good for you!!!! I personally don't get running, but I totally respect anyone who does it.

And I too say "Bless your heart" - but not in the "she's crazy" kind of way, but more in the spiritual sense. I hope your heart and soul are blessed with good health and perserverence on this journey.