Saturday, June 27, 2009

Breathe Easy

Earlier this week my Aunt was the recipient of a left lung transplant at the University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore. For the past few years she has been living on oxygen as she battled a genetic lung disease that I can't even begin to pronounce. The procedure was a success and she is doing really well according to the updates I am receiving from family.

I am always amazed at the ability to improve or prolong human life through the death of another. Organ donation is so important. We humans talk about our legacy. How will we be remembered when we are gone? Organ donation is one way to leave a legacy of life, of giving, of recognizing that we are all part of the same human family. We need each other in life and in death.

We waste too much time on our differences when it is the things we have in common that are most important - we all have hearts that beat, lungs that breathe in sweet air, eyes that see, and vital organs that keep us going. Being willing to share those things we have in common with another person after you die is perhaps the greatest thing you can ever do. Think of the lives you change, the lives you save, the impact on the families. All of this is bigger than we are.

I send a prayer of Thanksgiving to the man who allowed his usable organs to be harvested to save or change the lives of so many people even as he lost his. Thanks to him, Sam's mom, my Dad's sister, my aunt Janet will breathe easier and be more comfortable in this next phase of her life.

Are you an organ donor? I am.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Red Line

Yesterday the Washington Metro Rail system experienced the deadliest crash in the history of the service - 33 years. It gave all of us who ride the red line pause. I know accidents can happen anytime, anyplace, and in any mode of transportation. You are never 100% safe. I am a huge fan of metro - it gets me where I want to go without the hassles of traffic, I get to read a lot, and I think if it as one small way I can reduce my carbon footprint. When you ride everyday, at the roughly the same time, you start to recognize the folks who share the daily journey with you.

The accident yesterday was beyond terrible. I have heard reports that as many as 9 people died. The small grace is that the two trains involved were headed INTO the city. At 5:00pm most people are headed OUT OF the city. I cannot imagine the devastation of the accident had happened in the other direction.

It seems like everyone I know who lives on my end of the red line was supposed to be on the train that was moving OUT OF the city - myself included. Those of us who leave the office around 4:30 in the afternoon, end up hitting that stretch of track right around the five o'clock hour. I had to pause last night and take in the fact that but for the grace of God.

My heart is broken for those folks who lost their lives. I'm working from home today while they clean up the accident site. I am looking forward to seeing my red line peeps soon.

Even after yesterday, I still believe that metro is the ride for me.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Training Update

So, yes, I am still training for the Chicago Marathon - although I haven't blogged about my training in awhile. Throughout late March, April, May, and early June I was focusing on getting my body moving again. As of last week, I was supposed to start the official marathon training program. But alas, I had to delay the start of the program by a week because I injured my ankle.

It wasn't a bad injury - I rolled it after drinking too much. For me, I think the warning should be do not drink and walk.

But, I started the training plan this week - only a week behind the official schedule. It amazes me how quickly my body forgets what it accomplished. But, I pushed through and will continue to do so. My goal for this marathon is to finish in less than 5 hours and 30 minutes. I can see myself doing this - visualization is key.

So I am back out there, working through the miles and seeing myself cross the finish line - strong and within my goal time.


Monday, June 15, 2009

He Gets Me

I haven't written in awhile. I always feel like I have a lot to say and then when I sit down to get it out - nothing.

Today, I write about gratitude. I try to walk through each day aware that all I have and that everything around me is indeed a blessing -although at times the blessing may be in disguise. Today I am feeling gratitude a bit more. How do you acknowledge a gift so extraordinary that words fail?

My gift is that I have a husband who gets me. All he has ever wanted is my happiness. I am sure that seems like something most spouses want for each other. But over the last 16 years, mine has spent an inordinant amount of time listening to me and really trying to understand my needs and wants. He has come through with material things from cute shoes to little blue boxes but more importantly he has supported the less materialistic needs - understanding when I just need to be quiet, the weekends away to allow my thoughts to become clear, the long talks where I spell it out and he gets it. How amazing is that?

And when I think I might be bringing up something that is too "out there", I am surprised that it is not. Although maybe I shouldn't be. He gets it. He gets me. And I get what I want and what I need. Clearly - a blessing.

I would never take this amazing gift for granted. So my love goes out to my husband - thanks for understanding and for loving me.
