Monday, June 22, 2009

Training Update

So, yes, I am still training for the Chicago Marathon - although I haven't blogged about my training in awhile. Throughout late March, April, May, and early June I was focusing on getting my body moving again. As of last week, I was supposed to start the official marathon training program. But alas, I had to delay the start of the program by a week because I injured my ankle.

It wasn't a bad injury - I rolled it after drinking too much. For me, I think the warning should be do not drink and walk.

But, I started the training plan this week - only a week behind the official schedule. It amazes me how quickly my body forgets what it accomplished. But, I pushed through and will continue to do so. My goal for this marathon is to finish in less than 5 hours and 30 minutes. I can see myself doing this - visualization is key.

So I am back out there, working through the miles and seeing myself cross the finish line - strong and within my goal time.


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