Recently, I was in a writing class and the teacher told me that he liked my stories and that I should write more. So, here is the spot for my occasional musing, rant, and possibly even a story or two.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Training Update
I really like the way I feel when I am training. I feel strong, and fit, and have more confidence. I don't want to lose this momentum. Even after I complete the marathon in October, I would like to continue to run about 15-20 miles a week and participate in the odd 5 or 10K.
But, as we all know, I am not as young as I was when I ran my first marathon 10 years ago. Training is hard. I have some back issues and my left IT band is a mess. My biggest fear is that I'll put in the miles and then the body will give out before I have a chance to run Chicago.
So, I'll be out putting in the miles and trying to catch up in my program and hopefully my body will cooperate. Chicago or Bust!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I have always said that I was surprised at how vulnerable being a mother would make me feel. It is like walking around with your heart on the outside of your body. I adore my kids - they are amazing people and the lights of my life. But, if I am honest, I think that if I had known about the vulnerability I would have second guessed having a family. Thank God, I didn't know or I would have missed out on the daily blessings my kids provide me.
On the other hand vulnerabilty can be looked as an opportunity for growth.
If my husband lost his job it would be a chance for him to pursue new avenues of interest.
If you open yourself up to motherhood (or fatherhood) that allows you to grow in patience, love, generosity, and to see the world again through new eyes.
If you open yourself up to your partner to share your needs or the ways in which you have changed, then there is the opportunity to deepen your relationship.
Most importantly is becomming vulnerable to yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see who is there. Have you changed? Are you just walking through life? What is missing? What did you set aside? Is there something or someone that you want? Is it worth the uncomfortable feeling of being vulnerable to get what you want, love who you need to love, or be who you should be?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Headed to the Lake
Not only are we invited but four other families are as well. We all get to relax in an amazing and comfortable lake house in an environment of controlled chaos. There are 14+ kids running around - swimming, tubing, having light sabre fights, playing video games - while the adults are content to sit, chat, play bocce, and fuel our relaxtion with cold beverages.
I love going because I get to see one one my best gals - Kelly. Since her move to Jax, we see each other twice a year (more if we are lucky). In addition my other best gals are there as well. It's really soul nourishing to be able to spend some down time with them.
I love DC. It is my home without a doubt. But, I value this annual escape to the mountains for a little break from the day-to-day. A little sit. A boat ride. A jump in the lake. A little nap. A few glasses of wine. S'mores. Perfection.
DCL - here we come.