Thursday, July 16, 2009

Training Update

After a two week break to recover from some health stuff, I am back to training for Chicago. It is amazing to me to see that my body has forgotten all of the training progress I had made. It feels like I am starting over from scratch. Not good when the long run this weekend is 8 miles.

I really like the way I feel when I am training. I feel strong, and fit, and have more confidence. I don't want to lose this momentum. Even after I complete the marathon in October, I would like to continue to run about 15-20 miles a week and participate in the odd 5 or 10K.

But, as we all know, I am not as young as I was when I ran my first marathon 10 years ago. Training is hard. I have some back issues and my left IT band is a mess. My biggest fear is that I'll put in the miles and then the body will give out before I have a chance to run Chicago.

So, I'll be out putting in the miles and trying to catch up in my program and hopefully my body will cooperate. Chicago or Bust!


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