There is a quote that says - when a door closes a window opens. Well, our family is dealing with the closed door and looking hopefully for the open window. After waiting for an answer for six weeks, we found out two days ago, that my husband's position will not be renewed at the end of the year. After 11 years on the project, it is now time to look for something new.
The loss of his position will have a huge impact on our family. If he does not get a new position before the current one ends, we will join the ranks of Americans all over the country who face losing their homes, the destruction of their credit rating, and other significant changes to lifestyle and sense of security.
My husband has made a significant contribution to the project he has worked on for 11 years - as a matter of fact he is the only person left from the original team. The project allowed for him to work from home and be the primary caregiver to our two children. He is a great Dad and has raised two amazing young people.
The problem - after 11 years working from home and raising kids - he more than likely will have to go back out into the traditional work force. This may not seem like a problem, tons of people face it everyday. But for people like my husband or other stay at home parents (or people who have stayed home to care for their aging parents), returning to the workforce is tough because our society does not value time spent on these endeavors. Time out of the traditional workforce to do these activities is not recognized by most potential employers. It makes me sad.
I am trying to see the possibilities of this. If we lose our house - it really is just a pile of bricks. If we have to move to a new neighborhood - new friends. If we take a credit rating hit - we'll rebuild it. When we tell our kids - they'll see that their parents are committed to maintaining a positive attitude and learn the lesson that hardship is temporary and can be over come. All that matters is that the four of us land somewhere together with our minds on what is possible.
I already knew this but we have amazing friends who are doing their very best to point us in the direction of any open window. For them, we are grateful.
I'm sorry for your bad news. We just went through all this earlier this year. Ben's job was "reduced" to 3 days a week, but none of our expenses were reduced. He managed to find a new, better position this summer. We were lucky. But there was a period of several months where losing our house and moving in with my mother was a very, very real possibility. Hang in there and keep your eyes open for that window.
With you, we are. Anytime. We have experienced a similar challenge, ..and it was so scary at first. Our kids chipped in, our parents did what they could to help with the kids, and... then came Fulton. A vast opportunity. Now we look back and wonder - how could we have imagined life any other way? And then came Arbonne. Freedom comes in the most amazing wrappers. Keep the Faith! Prue
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