Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's a Girl

On July 17, 2001 at 11:15am Maura Cathryn Lawrence was born.  

I think I knew from the moment I found out that I was pregnant that the baby would be a girl.  I was afraid to have a girl.  Girls are complicated and moody and they give you trouble.  And boy did this baby give me trouble! I was sick from day one.  Tired all of the time.  And ended up on bed rest for the last two months of the pregnancy.  For the icing on the cake, I fell and broke my arm two days before she was born, so I delivered her with one good arm.

Soon after Cate was born, she and I shared a moment in our hospital room.  Our eyes locked and for several minutes we just quietly stared at each other.  I realized I was wrong - this girl wasn't trouble.  She was a blessing.  It is one of the most clear memories I have.  With her arrival - our family was complete.  We had a sweet boy and a sweet girl.

My baby girl is not a baby anymore.  She turns 10.  Double digits.  She is a smart, thoughtful, caring, loving, helpful, beautiful girl.  And I count my blessings everyday that God chose me to be her mother. 

She is adventurous.

She is musical.

She is a horse woman. 

She is my sweet baby girl and I treasure our relationship.

Happy 10th Birthday to my Pooh Bear and my best girl friend!  I am so excited to see the young woman you will grow up to be.

I love you, Mom.  XO

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