Finally, at age 41, I am trying to get my financial house in order and wouldn't you know it...the stock market and indeed the entire financial system takes a huge dive. I didn't have much to begin with and now I surely have less. Money is funny. Some people understand it yet to me it has been a complete mystery. My family didn't have money when I was kid and it was not an acceptable dinner table topic.
So, imagine the glee when in my sophomore year of college a bank offered me a credit card. It was seriously a rush. I think the first thing I did was buy a pair of shoes. But the sad thing is I didn't understand credit and I think I paid for those shoes for a year. They turned out to be some of the most expensive shoes I have ever owned.
I struggled with money up until recently when I finally waved the white flag and had my husband take over. He is a puzzle solver so fixing the mess I had made was a challenge for him and an eye opener for both of us. You see, you cannot have wealth in any form until you understand it and respect it. Together we are learning that. We cannot be open to abundance with a wasteful mentality. The two do not mix.
So, my sweet husband manages things and we are beginning to make forward progress. Neither of us wants to work at Walmart when we are 80. So, we are taking steps to make sure that doesn't happen. What I am learning is that when you are respectful of the resources and gifts provided to you or earned by you, you are rewarded. When you are wasteful, it all catches up to you in the end.
So we are riding this wave of economic craziness with an eye toward the future and the goal of receiving abundance because we are finally respecting our resources. No smiley face pin and tacky blue vest for me. Peace.
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