Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Biggest Loser

Here I am at 8:45pm watching yet another season of The Biggest Loser. I am hopelessly addicted to this show. Jillian is a total bee-atch and I so wouldn't want her to be my trainer. Meanwhile I have a crush on Bob and he can be my trainer any day.

I wonder why I am attracted to this show and then again I don't. Like most women, weight is an issue for me - rational or not. I know I watch this train wreck because it makes me feel better for myself. I always sit here and think - "okay tomorrow, the running shoes are laced up and I am getting back in shape." Inevitably, sleeping late wins; the chocolate chip cookie wins. I need to do better but where is that in my mind? Where is that required determination.

The hysterical thing about Biggest Loser, is all of the junk food commercials. My guess is you have an audience of overweight folks who are looking for motivation and they see bags of Doritos and plates of potato skins. It reminds me of the time I was watching Howard Stern on late night TV (I think it was E!) and he had Richard Simmons on with some of his weight loss disciples. Howard proceeded to interview Richard while dangling Twinkies from fishing poles in front of the overweight folks.

So, am I a loser to watch this? Probably. Hopefully I won't be a bigger loser and instead I'll find the inspiration from the show. Now where are my running shoes? Peace.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I always eat ice cream while I watch that show! although I did lace up this morning, I doubt it counteracts the ice cream!